observer ward


A Dota 2 Bot for Discord

screenshot of winning game report
Real Time Match Data

Observer Ward posts information about the results of your Dota 2 matches to the channel of your choice immediately after they complete.

Cheer On Your Friends

Watch your friends play, celebrate their wins, and support them after losses.

screenshot of winning game report
screenshot of losing game report
  • /configure_guild <channel_id> - Set the channel to post match results to.
  • /subscribe_user <steam_id> <nickname> - Subscribes to a user's matches, aliased to a provided nickname
  • /unsubscribe_user <steam_id> - Unsubscribe's from a user's matches.
  • /list_users - List all users currently subscribed to.
  • /reset_guild - Clear all subscriptions and settings for this server.

I played a match and it didn't show up?

Make sure you have "Expose Public Match Data" ticked under the Dota 2 "Social" settings. Also make sure you got the Dota ID right.

If those are all set, it could be an issue with Observer Ward. You can report a bug here

Why can't I subscribe to more than 15 players?

I'm keeping the limit low while the bot rolls out. Depending on how it performs I'll see about raising it.

I played a match and it posted a long time after the match completed?

Sometimes the Dota2 match API goes down, or there are just too many matches being played, and the bot falls behind on processing matches. This leads to match results being posted later than realtime.

Unfortunately I don't have a great way to catch back up without dropping old matches entirely, because Steam holds you to a tight rate limit of about 100 matches per 5s. The bot should eventually catch up to realtime over the course of hours or days (depending on how far behind it got). It is on my mind to improve this catchup behavior!